The documentation for this project can be found in node_rosbag_analysis_documentation.pdf.
A local installation and docker installation option is available. Since the docker installation uses ros:noetic and not osrf/ros:noetic-desktop-full, nodes that launch RVIZ cannot be launched.
Install ROS Noetic and setup catkin_ws. -
Source catkin_ws.
cd catkin_ws
source devel/setup.bash
- Clone git repository.
cd src/
git clone
- catkin_make.
cd ..
- Update path to BAG files in launch files.
cd src/node_rosbag_analysis/launch/
Use your favourite code editor to update launch files: real_time_error_detection_launch.launch, review_error_detection_launch.launch, and rviz_launch.launch.
<arg name="path_to_rosbag" value=" INSERT UPDATED PATH TO BAG FILE " />
- Launch rviz for only visualization.
roslaunch node_rosbag_analysis rviz_launch.launch
- Launch real_time_error_detection_node for real time error detection using ROS Subscribers.
roslaunch node_rosbag_analysis real_time_error_detection_launch.launch
- Launch review_error_detection_node for error detection review using Python ROSBAG API.
roslaunch node_rosbag_analysis review_error_detection_launch.launch
Install and setup Docker. -
Download Docker file from git repository. -
Navigate to directory where Dockerfile was downloaded and build Docker Image.
docker build -t node-docker-image:1.0 .
- Check if Docker Image is built and copy IMAGE_ID.
docker images
A repository named node-docker-image should appear. Copy the IMAGE_ID of the repository.
- Run Docker Image. Replace /PATH-to-rosbag-files with local path to directory with ROS BAG files.
docker run -t -d -v /PATH-to-rosbag-files:/mnt/NODE_Robotics/environment_files [IMAGE ID]
- Check if Docker Container is running. Copy the CONTAINER ID of the IMAGE.
docker ps
- Execute Docker Container and open bash in Container.
docker exec -it [CONTAINER ID] bash
- Source workspace.
cd /home
source devel/setup.bash
- Clone git repository.
cd src/
git clone
- catkin_make.
cd ..
- Launch review_error_detection_node for error detection review using Python ROSBAG API.
roslaunch node_rosbag_analysis docker_review_error_detection_launch.launch