Let's Get Lunch API


The following files must be manually added to /src. These files contain metadata for our database including secret keys. Both files are listed within our .gitignore and as a result are not checked in to our repo.

  • dev-config.json - configuration for local development
  • test-config.json - configuration for local testing


  "port": 8080,
  "bodyLimit": "100kb",
  "db": "mongodb://localhost:27017/name-of-db",
  "secret": "supersecretkey",
  "zomato": "zomatokey"


  • gulp: Compile /src (TS) to /built (JS)
  • npm run api-dev: Run API using default DB api-starter
  • npm run api-test: Clear DB and then run API on test DB api-starter-test. Use for E2E FE tests that require a fresh DB.
  • npm run test: Run API tests using test DB api-starter-test

Local Testing

  • Remove "exclude" from tsconfig.json for local testing to build test files to built.