
README & User Stories

Creating Meal Log app.

  1. Create an ERD as to what I wanted my application to display and use as read files
  2. After ERD is created, proceed to creating migration, models, controllers, and seeds.
  3. Create Logic in models and controllers.
  4. Database migrate and Database seed application.
  5. Make sure all code is working correctly and deploy.

User Stories Meal Log

Think about when you commiting code to a repository wherever it may be.

At this point, you should be thinking that I am creating a log of commits.

Now, think about what you ate today.

Typically, 3 meals a day before you fall asleep.

(Viking Horn) In comes this application called Meal log.

Meal Log, a logging application for meals and food eaten on a daily basis.

The idea behind creating a meal log application is for someone to keep track of meals or food consumed as a means of calorie counting for health reasons.

When the app is opened you are given the ability to create a meal and name it anything you want it to be.

There are days I want to eat a specific healthy meal but I all of a sudden forgot what I ate that day.

Since you are about to log your meals you can reference back to that meal you created and order or cook that healthy meal.

Another feature is the ability to add food and the amount of calories consumed for that specific item you consumed.

This will create a food log of food items consumed based on the amount of calories you provided.

As a Personal Trainer, calorie counting and keeping a log of each meal and/or food consumed is essential to weight loss, staying in shape and feeling the best you can on a daily basis.

Thank you and Enjoy! Eat Healthy...