
A Quick Energy Quiz with JavaScript

Primary LanguageCSS

Energy Quiz

Technologies used:

html, css, javascript, jQuery, Google Fonts Tested in Google Chrome v.58 Four documents included: index.html, style.css, script.js, README.md

The build:

I used CSS Grid to develop the styling and included nested grid items. The majority of the programming was done with jQuery while housing the majority of the html information in the script.js doc.

I started the project by building the javascript necessary to run the quiz. After, completing the programming I went back and used css to add styling.

Installation instructions:


Unsolved problems:

-Users will get prompted "Incorrect" if they don't click next question button before hitting submit again. -CSS styling grid within a grid problems not allowing items to stay centered. -Need to expand the question field to allow for more dynamic questions, that don't seem bunched together. -Would like to see a list of questions and answers at the end of the quiz.

General Assembly Necessary Deliverables

Self-scoring Trivia

Pre-load your app with some questions and answers.

Test the user's wits & knowledge with whatever-the-heck you know about (so you can actually win). Guess answers, have the computer tell you how right you are!


Add time-based scoring Track scores across games (even if the page is reloaded) Allow users to compete against each other on a high-score board.

Sources used for trivia questions and background picture.


