Storyteller: The Social Network of Storytelling


Storytelling is one of the oldest human practices. Humans used storytelling as a method of communication, even before writing was invented. Storyteller is a storytelling platform. It's a place where users can join, tell their stories, read other users' stories, and discuss these stories.


  • Storyteller is built with Ruby on Rails. It uses Object-relational mapping (ORM) for converting data between Ruby and Postgres.
  • Storyteller follows the Representational State Transfer convention (REST) as a standard for communications between the server and browsers.
  • Storyteller uses Devise, a gem responsible for managing users and sessions.
  • Storyteller also uses Reset CSS, and Normalize CSS, to provide a consistent experience across browsers.
  • Storyteller is deployed on Heroku.
  • All images used on the website are published by others under Creative Commons License.


#ERD Storyteller-ERD


#For Unlogged Users wireframe-unlogged

#For Logged Users wireframe-logged

#For Admins wireframe-admin

User stories

Three cases of user stories

  1. As an unlogged user
  • I should be able to explore communities, and read stories and comments within these communities
  1. As a logged user In addition to being able to do everything unlogged users can do:
  • I should be able to see my profile, and other users' profiles
  • I should be able to edit my account and my profile
  • I should be able to post stories to my profile
  • I should be able to see stories shared by other users on their profiles
  • I should be able to join and leave communities
  • I should be able to comment on stories in profiles and communities
  • I should be able to add stories to the communities I join
  • I should be able to leave a feedback to the admin
  1. As an Admin In addition to being able to do everything logged users can do:
  • I should be able to see the feedback left by users
  • I should be able to see a list of users
  • I should be the only one able to edit communities
  • I should be able to edit or delete anything on the app

Possible Future Upgrades


  • Expand the content field in forms
  • Edit the button text on forms
  • Add error handling for all resources.
  • Fix Bug: Admin Edit Account leads to a wrong page when editing other user

New Features

  • Sign in with Facebook account
  • Flexbox
  • Add favorites
  • Add tags
  • Follow other users
  • Add Tests