
(Hacktohn Winner) Create NFT maketplace where user create design pattern and create as a NFT.This Project are submitted on Build With Celo ReFi Hackathon '22 (hackerearth).

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Project Title


Project Description

- NFTPattern are places to users create their own type pattern and sell it as an NFT.
- NFTPattern is many tools available for users can create different types of design patterns.
- User connect many wallets available so user easily connects with our app.
- Also users can use the design on any other side like any other design, it's a project, mobile, app, etc...
- NFTPattern are use a cello token so users sell and purchase only cello tokens because this project smart contract is deployed on alfajores testnet.


  • nodejs for backend smart contract deploy and testing
  • MetaMask Chrome extension installed in your browser
  • Hardhat for local smart contracts deployement and testing
  • nft.storage account for IPFS storage (free account).
  • alfajores (testnet) alfajores balance for your smart contract deploy and NFT mint

How to run in your Local environment

Step1: Clone GitHub Project on your PC
git clone https://github.com/nayanrdeveloper/cello_colorspay_nft_marketplace
Step2 (deploy smart contract):
go to the project folder cello_colorspay_nft_marketplace/backend and run following command npm install
Step-3 (compile smart contract):
  • npx hardhat compile
  • This Project is used to hardhat for smart contract deploy
Step-4 (deploy smart contract):
  • npx hardhat --network alfajores run scripts/deploy.js
  • When this command run after showing the console the following result
  • Marketplace deployed to [address]
  • MyToken deployed address are 0Xfdghfh34n5bghv859gkd34Sth
Step-5 (verify smart contract):
npx hardhat verify [address] [parameter] --network alfajores
Step- 6 :
now go to the cello_colorspay_nft_marketplace directory and change the file env.example to .env and update the following changes
  • NEXT_PUBLIC_MARKETPLACE_CONTRACT = "add address of marketplace"
  • NEXT_PUBLIC_TOKEN_CONTRACT = "add address of token"
  • NEXT_PUBLIC_NFT_STORAGE_KEY = "api of nft.storage (IPFS)"
Step- 7 :
  • npm install
  • npm run dev
  • Open your Project in browser (http://localhost:3000/)

Built With

User interface

The front end is built with Next JS it's framework of React, it allows users to mint new NFTS and they can find on the home page a complete roadmap for the entire NFT project.

The front-end is built using the following libraries:

  • Ethers.js: used as interface between the UI and the deployed smart contract
  • react-celo: for conecting to wallet
  • mobx: for managing the app states (account, balance, blockchain)
  • Tailwind CSS: Styles using TailwindCss

Home Page

Connect Wallet

connect Wallet

Create new design pattern

Create new design pattern

Create NFT

Create NFT

All NFTs

All NFTs

NFT Detail

NFT Detail

Color Shadow Pattern

Color Shadow

Table cloth pattern

Table cloth pattern

Cube Design pattern

Cube Pattern

