Core Dumped


A simple question-answering website with blog posting feature, inspired by stackoverflow and Quora(Quora X stackoverflow). Extensively uses the rich text editor Quill and ReactQuill.

Submitted for CSE216-Database Sessional.

Development Stack

How to run this project on your local machine

  • Connecting to Oracle Database

    If you're connecting to a remote database, you'll need to install the instant client to your local machine. Here is HOW

    1. Create a user
      Log in as sysdba in sqlplus. Then run this following command in sqlplus:
      create user c##coredumped identified by password
    1. Grant the user the role of DBA or appropriate role.
      grant all privileges to c##coredumped
  • Clone this repository and create env file

    You can import the sql dump file and skip the first 3 steps.

    1. First clone this repository to your local machine.
    2. Change your directory to schema. Then login to sqlplus
    sqlplus c##coredumped/password
    1. Now run the tables,triggers,procedures and required_initial_data SQL files.
    1. Create a .env file in the backend directory of this repository. Now put these lines in the file:
    DB_CONNECTION_STRING=localhost:1521/ORCLCDB # or run SELECT * FROM GLOBAL_NAME; and give appropriate connection string 
    1. Now, create a .env file in the frontend directory of this repository. Now put these lines in the file:
  • Install all dependencies

    1. Install npm & node
    2. Go to the backend directory and run the following command:
    npm install
    1. Go to the frontend directory and run the following command:
    npm install
  • Now start the backend server

    Go to the backend directory and run the following command:

    npm start
  • Now start the frontend

    Go to the frontend directory and run the following command:

    npm start
    • You have to run the above commands in a new terminal window.



We have created API documentation for the backend of this project. After running this project, you can access the documentation by visiting the following link:


Here is the pdf version of the documentation: Here


Typescript template of create-react-app is used for displaying data.

  1. Components: Code for all the components.

  2. Pages Describes how the components will be displayed.

  3. Utilities Used for fetching and sending data to the backend, uses axios.

  4. App.tsx Primarily contains all the route declarations.

