The goal of denodoExtractor is to make it easy to pull common patient flow metrics from denodo views into R. Examples include daily ED visits, admits/census/discharges for specified nursing units, etc.
You can install the package from GitHub:
# install.packages("devtools")
#> Skipping install of 'denodoExtractor' from a github remote, the SHA1 (1caa9696) has not changed since last install.
#> Use `force = TRUE` to force installation
This is a basic example which shows you how to set up the Denodo ODBC
connection and pull admits data. I assume you have set up the Denodo
ODBC Driver, and that you have a ODBC connection named
“cnx_denodo_spappcsta001”. If you have a different name, you can
pass that to the dsn_name
argument of the setup_denodo()
First, let’s set up our ODBC connection:
#> Loading required package: magrittr
# first set up odbc:
# should return 3 views: vw_adtc, vw_census, vw_eddata
Let’s pull admits to major LGH units in January:
extract_admits("20190101", "20190201")
#> # A tibble: 59 x 4
#> date_id nursing_unit_cd metric value
#> <int> <chr> <chr> <int>
#> 1 20190101 LGH 3E admits 2
#> 2 20190102 LGH 3E admits 1
#> 3 20190103 LGH 3E admits 4
#> 4 20190103 LGH 3W admits 1
#> 5 20190103 LGH 6W admits 1
#> 6 20190104 LGH 3E admits 4
#> 7 20190104 LGH 3W admits 1
#> 8 20190104 LGH 7E admits 1
#> 9 20190105 LGH 3E admits 2
#> 10 20190106 LGH 3E admits 3
#> # ... with 49 more rows
Now let’s try VGH ECC unit instead:
site = "Vancouver General Hospital",
n_units = "ECC")
#> # A tibble: 10 x 4
#> date_id nursing_unit_cd metric value
#> <int> <chr> <chr> <int>
#> 1 20190102 ECC admits 22
#> 2 20190103 ECC admits 22
#> 3 20190104 ECC admits 22
#> 4 20190107 ECC admits 27
#> 5 20190108 ECC admits 23
#> 6 20190109 ECC admits 27
#> 7 20190110 ECC admits 24
#> 8 20190111 ECC admits 27
#> 9 20190114 ECC admits 16
#> 10 20190115 ECC admits 19
Getting help
To see a list of all available functions, use the following:
# help(package = "denodoExtractor")
To see documentation for a specific function, use a question mark followed by the function name in the console. For example:
# ?setup_denodo
# ?extract_admits
Notes on package development
Problems with filepaths
You may run into an error like UNC paths are not supported. Defaulting to Windows directory
. What seems to work is to go into Tools > Project
Options > Build toold > Package directory, and set the folder path
without using paths that start with “”. For example, use
Git problems
When using usethis::use_github
, by default, your .git folder will have
a file named pre-commit
in it. This tells git to do the checks
specified there before you can commit anything. Unfortunately, this
seems to create problems with using RStudio or GitHub desktop to
commit/push. You will have to use git bash with command git commit --no-verify
. There’s no way to specify this command in GUIs.
To get around this, simply add .sample at the end of the filename: pre-commit.sample. Now it will be ignored by GitHub.
Package installation errors
You may get an error saying: Error: failed to install package X ... cannot remove prior installation of package
. If this happens, just
manually install the package in console using install.packages(package name)