
Docker image to run a Wordpress Copy created with Duplicator

Primary LanguageDockerfile


This image sets up the environment to clone and run a wordpress archive created by the Wordpress Duplicator Plugin.


Download the template files, which contains a docker-compose file and the project structure.

$ curl -L https://github.com/nayrangnu/wordpress-duplicator/blob/master/duplicator-template.tar.gz\?raw\=true | tar xz

Rename the folder.

$ mv duplicator-template wpclone

Copy your *.archive.zip file into wpclone/wordpress.

Create an external volume for mysql data.

docker volume create dbvolume

If you plan to run this in production set secure passwords in wpclone/docker-compose.yml!

Then start up the containers.

$ cd wpclone
$ docker-compose up

When the mysql container is started the first time it takes a while until the database is initialized.

Then navigate to http://localhost:8080/installer.php

Enter the database settings as shown in the image below:

DB settings


For devlopment you may want to disable opcache. You can add the following line to the htaccess file in wpclone/wordpress/.htaccess:

php_flag opcache.enable Off