asterisk-scripts by Ryan Hunt All licensed CC-BY-SA Used on Asterisk 1.8.x - gvoicemail-mwi.php (Requires GoogleVoice.php) This CLI script is ran in crontab to create fake voice mail messages when you have messages in your google voice mailbox. It supports multiple users, it is used to trigger MWI indicators when you have a google voice mail. Enable polling in voicemail.conf - gvcontact-sync.php This CLI script fetches google contacts and stores them in a local mysql db. It supports multiple users, I use this data for phone book and cnam queries. - This shell script I run in crontab on every sunday; it updates the DST and resets my phones when needed. For chan_sccp-b realtime setup. - cnam-lookup.php This CLI script queries multiple databases of Google Contacts first for CNAM info, with priority to the user being called. If the name is not found it uses the OpenCNAM database and caches it. Also shows state call originates from. - GoogleVoice.php This is a library for gvoicemail-mwi.php