
igate backup

Primary LanguageShell

Mostly a backup or the above site, for educational purposes.


  • /direwolf - DireWolf Config & SBEACON Patch
  • /frontail - Tweaked for display purposes, mostly web
  • /grafana - Dashboard JSON Export
  • /telegraf - Config & Simple Stats Scripts

How it works:

  • Patch for Direwolf logs stats to /tmp/dw-logs.txt when SBEACON's are triggered
  • Telegraf scrapes dw-logs.txt, and direwolf log file to inject into InfluxDB
  • Direwolf's console is re-directed to a modified NodeJS Frontail
  • Its all tied together with Grafana Dashboard.
  • some nginx proxy and web stuff thats beyond this scope

Install-ish (Debian)

  • adduser direwolf
  • su - direwolf
  • git pull direwolf (1.4)
  • make install direwolf
  • Place:
  • /etc/direwolf/direwolf.conf
  • /etc/direwolf/direwolf.json
  • /etc/systemd/system/direwolf.service
  • /etc/telegraf/telegraf.d/direwolf.conf
  • /usr/local/bin/start-dw.sh
  • /usr/local/bin/dw-stats*
  • install nodejs & npm
  • npm install -g frontail
  • diff supplied module folder against stock and tweak as you want
  • install & configure telegraf (setup InfluxDB/Grafana somewhere)
  • configure direwolf approprately
  • start direwolf service
  • connect to IP:9001 and see if you see the console
  • see if stats start dumping to /tmp/dw-logs.txt
  • see if stats showing up in Grafana
  • import and customize the grafana json
  • so much more I'm sure I forgot.. good luck!

73 N4YRE