This repository contains the real world IoT smart-home dataset that was used in the paper "ARGUS: Context-Based Detection of Stealthy IoT Infiltration Attacks". The dataset contains the status changes of all IoT devices deployed in 5 different smart-homes. The dataset covers different smart-home settings and living situations, including a room with a single inhabitant in a shared flat (Home1), a one-room appartment (Home 2), as well as 3 larger homes with 4 inhabitants each (Home3, Home4, Home5). A detailed description of the settings is provided in the paper.
The corresponding paper was published as Rieger, Chilese, Mohamed, Miettinen, Fereidooni, Sadeghi "ARGUS: Context-Based Detection of Stealthy IoT Infiltration Attacks" at USENIX Security 2023. Paper available here.
title={{ARGUS: Context-Based Detection of Stealthy IoT Infiltration Attacks}},
author={Rieger, Phillip and Chilese, Marco and Mohamed, Reham and Miettinen, Markus and Fereidooni, Hossein and Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza},
booktitle={32nd USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 23)},
publisher = {USENIX Association}
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
The individual homes contain in particular the following devices:
- automation.cameraOffWhenAtHome
- automation.cameraOnWhenUserLeave
- automation.lightsOffWhenTooBright
- automation.lightsOnWhenMotionDetected
- camera.status
- ceilingLamp
- co2.status
- co2.value
- deskLamp
- door
- humidity
- ipCamera.LightLevel
- ipCamera.motion
- ipCamera.motionActive
- ipCamera.sound
- person.home
- phone.activity
- phone.atHome
- phone.charging
- phone.sleepConfidence
- phone.wifiConnection
- rolo.position
- sun
- temperature
- thermostat.heatingTemperature
- thermostat.measuredTemperature
- weather.homeLocation
- window
- automation.lightOnInTheMorning
- automation.lightsOffInTheEvening
- automation.lightsOffWhenTooBright
- automation.lightsOnWhenMotionDetected
- camera.status
- ceilingLamp
- deskLamp
- door
- hue.lightLevel
- hue.motionSensor.motion
- hue.temperature
- humidity
- ipCamera.LightLevel
- ipCamera.motion
- ipCamera.motionActive
- ipCamera.sound
- person.home
- phone.activity
- phone.atHome
- phone.batteryLife
- phone.lightSensor
- phone.phoneStatus
- phone.sleepConfidence
- phone.wifiConnection
- sun
- temperature
- thermostat.heatingTemperature
- thermostat.measuredTemperature
- weather.homeLocation
- window
- automation.cameraOnWhenUserLeave
- camera.status
- ceilingLamp
- deskLamp
- door
- hue.lightLevel
- hue.motionSensor.motion
- hue.temperature
- hue2.lightLevel
- hue2.motion
- hue2.temperature
- hueWhiteLamp3
- huewhiteLamp2
- ipCamera.LightLevel
- ipCamera.motion
- ipCamera.motionActive
- ipCamera.sound
- light.livingRoom
- radiatorThermostat.measuredTemperature
- sun
- weather.homeLocation
- window
- automation.cameraOffWhenAtHome
- automation.cameraOnWhenUserLeave
- automation.dinnerLights
- automation.lightsOffWhenNoMotion
- automation.lightsOffWhenTooBright
- automation.lightsOnWhenMotionDetected
- ceilingLamp
- climate.controllAccessPoint
- climateControll.heating
- controll.accessRoom1
- deskLamp
- door
- hue.lightLevel
- hue.motionSensor.motion
- hue.temperature
- humidity
- ipCamera.LightLevel
- ipCamera.motion
- ipCamera.motionActive
- ipCamera.sound
- person.home
- phone.activity
- phone.atHome
- phone.locked
- phone.sleepConfidence
- phone.sleepSegment
- phone.wifiConnection
- sun
- temperature
- thermostat.heatingTemperature
- thermostat.measuredTemperature
- weather.homeLocation
- window
- automation.allLightsOff
- automation.allLightsOn
- automation.dinnerLights
- automation.dinnerTableLights
- automation.gamingMode
- automation.heatingBoostOff
- automation.lightsOffWhenNoMotion
- automation.pianoLight
- automation.sofaLamp
- automation.studioLightOff
- automation.studioLightOnWhenMotion
- ceilingLamp
- climate.controllAccessPoint
- climateControll.heating
- deskLamp
- door
- hue.lightLevel
- hue.motionSensor.motion
- hue.temperature
- humidity
- ipCamera.LightLevel
- ipCamera.motion
- ipCamera.motionActive
- ipCamera.pressure
- ipCamera.sound
- lamp.consumption
- lamp.current
- lamp.dailyConsumption
- lamp.totalConsumption
- lamp.voltage
- phone.activity
- phone.charging
- phone.locked
- sun
- temperature
- thermostat.measuredTemperature