

Primary LanguageC++


Convert a VisibleSim Simulator configuration file into a file for the GraphAnalyzer tool.


VisibleSimToGraphAnalyzer requires TinyXML library.

In order to install TinyXML on Ubuntu:

$ sudo apt-get install libtinyxml-dev


To compile VisibleSimToGraphAnalyzer, go into the build/ folder and enter make.

$ cd build/
$ make


VisibleSimToGraphAnalyzer works as following:

Usage: VisibleSimToGraphAnalyzer -i <input VisibleSim xml configuration file> -t <target lattice> [options]
Supported target lattices (<target lattice>): 
  s: Square
  h: Hexagonal
  sc: Simple-Cubic
  fcc: Face-Centered Cubic
-o <output aj file> : output file for GraphAnalyzer
-h                  : print this usage and exit


Below is a full example of how to compile and use VisibleSimToGraphAnalyzer. In this example, configurations/example.xml is converted into build/example.aj considering a Simple Cubic (SC) lattice. Blinky Blocks are arranged into a SC lattice.

$ cd build/
$ make
$./visibleSimToGraphAnalyzer -i ../configurations/example.xml -t sc
Input: ../configurations/example.xml
Output: example.aj
Target lattice: sc
Grid size: x=10,y=10,z=10)
../configurations/example.xml opened and read!
../configurations/example.xml exported in example.aj

Below is the expected content of build/example.aj:

1 2 2 12
2 3 5 4 3
3 3 10 9 6
4 1 9
5 1 10
6 1 7
7 0
8 1 9
9 0
10 1 11
11 0
12 1 13
13 1 14
14 0