
An unofficial Femto-ST theme for LaTex-Beamer!

Primary LanguageTeX


FemtoSTSlides: an unofficial Femto-ST theme for LaTex-Beamer!

This theme is based on ensislides, the unofficial Ensimag theme from Matthieu Moy available at http://www-verimag.imag.fr/~moy/ensitools/beamer/ .

It comes with many freeware icons from Icojam: http://www.icojam.com/.


If using our Makefile :

  • latexmk : used to compile the Tex files into pdf.
  • gs - Ghostscript : used to compress pdf.

Otherwise, you can simply use the LaTex compiler of your choice such as pdflatex!


In a terminal, enter "Make". This generates two pdf files: example.pdf and example-compressed.pdf, a compressed version of example.pdf.

Not all the pdf viewers are able to display videos. On Unix, you can use pdfpc that has a presenter mode and provides support for both notes and videos (sources of pdfpc v4.0.1 are available in pdfpc/).


  • femtostslides.sty: FemtoSTSlides latex style file.
  • extrabeamercmds.sty: extra-beamer-commands (https://github.com/andybarry/beamer-commands/).
  • fig/: some useful images (logo, icons, ... ). Icons are from Icojam (http://www.icojam.com/) and are freeware.
  • video/femtost.mp4: a video giving an overview of Femto-ST Institut (downloaded from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HCW9sSjtaw).
  • example.tex, example.pdf, example-compressed.pdf: an example of presentation using FemtoSTSlides.
  • Makefile: Makefile used to compile the provided example of presentation.
  • pdfpc/: pdfpc 4.0.1 documentation, source code and installation instructions.
  • example.pdfpc: generated by pdfpc (contains presentation notes and other parameters).
  • make-thumb.sh: extract first image from a video.
  • README.md: this readme.