
Script that does just that - creates backups using snapshot of btrfs filesystem. Also it makes rotation of snapshots by removing old ones and keeping as many snapshots as you want.

Primary LanguagePHP

Just backup btrfs

Script that does just that - creates backups using snapshot of btrfs filesystem. Also it makes rotation of snapshots by removing old ones and keeping as many snapshots as you want.


I wanted simple thing: store snapshots of several subvolumes in one place and keep specific number of snapshots for each time interval (more recent and less elder snapshots).

I was wondered that no existing solutions fit my needs, so I decided to write it:)


  • php-cli (version 5.4+)
  • php-sqlite3

You can get them both on Ubuntu 15.10-:

sudo apt-get install php5-cli php5-sqlite

Ubuntu 16.04+:

sudo apt-get install php-cli php-sqlite3

Also enable sqlite3 extension since it may be disabled by default. Ubuntu 15.10-:

sudo php5enmod sqlite3

Ubuntu 16.04+

sudo phpenmod sqlite3


The whole thing is a single file, so first way is just to copy file just-backup-btrfs somewhere.

Alternatively you can install it globally using Composer like this:

sudo COMPOSER_BIN_DIR=/usr/local/bin composer global require nazar-pc/just-backup-btrfs

COMPOSER_BIN_DIR=/usr/local/bin will instruct Composer to install binary to /usr/local/bin so that you'll be able to call just-backup-btrfs right after installation. Alternatively you can skip it and add ~/.composer/vendor/bin/ to your PATH.


If installed manually - just remove file, if installed with Composer - remove it with:

sudo COMPOSER_BIN_DIR=/usr/local/bin composer global remove nazar-pc/just-backup-btrfs

Or without COMPOSER_BIN_DIR=/usr/local/bin if you didn't use it during installation.


Script expects configuration file to be present at location /etc/just-backup-btrfs.json, example of such file you can find below. Also, if you want to use other path to config file - specify it as argument.

There are few ways to run script.

sudo php just-backup-btrfs

or mark file as executable and just

sudo ./just-backup-btrfs

or mark as executable and put into /etc/cron.daily to make backups every day.

With custom path to config file:

sudo ./just-backup-btrfs /path/to/config.json

Output will be like this:

Just backup btrfs started...
CMD: /bin/btrfs subvolume snapshot -r "/" "/backup/root/2016-03-12_16:29:52"
CMD: sync
Snapshot 2016-03-12_16:29:52 for / created successfully
CMD: mount
Mounting root subvolume skipped, since already mounted
Making incremental backup
CMD: /bin/btrfs send -p "/backup/root/2016-03-12_16:26:48" "/backup/root/2016-03-12_16:29:52" | /bin/btrfs receive /tmp/just_backup_btrfs_45e177f34dddc33a5b1537ce8f4913ba/root
At subvol /backup/root/2016-03-12_16:29:52
CMD: /bin/btrfs subvolume delete "/backup_hdd/root/2016-03-11_16:30:01"
Old snapshot 2016-03-11_16:30:01 removed successfully from /backup_hdd/root
Creating incremental backup 2016-03-12_16:29:52 of / to /backup_hdd/root finished successfully
Unmounting root subvolume skipped
CMD: /bin/btrfs subvolume delete "/backup/root/2016-03-12_15:30:01"
Old snapshot 2016-03-12_15:30:01 removed successfully from /backup/root
CMD: /bin/btrfs subvolume snapshot -r "/home" "/backup/home/2016-03-12_16:30:04"
CMD: sync
Snapshot 2016-03-12_16:30:04 for /home created successfully
CMD: mount
Mounting root subvolume skipped, since already mounted
Making incremental backup
CMD: /bin/btrfs send -p "/backup/home/2016-03-12_16:26:51" "/backup/home/2016-03-12_16:30:04" | /bin/btrfs receive /tmp/just_backup_btrfs_45e177f34dddc33a5b1537ce8f4913ba/home
At subvol /backup/home/2016-03-12_16:30:04
CMD: /bin/btrfs subvolume delete "/backup_hdd/home/2016-03-11_16:30:08"
Old snapshot 2016-03-11_16:30:08 removed successfully from /backup_hdd/home
Creating incremental backup 2016-03-12_16:30:04 of /home to /backup_hdd/home finished successfully
Unmounting root subvolume skipped
CMD: /bin/btrfs subvolume delete "/backup/home/2016-03-12_15:30:05"
Old snapshot 2016-03-12_15:30:05 removed successfully from /backup/home
CMD: /bin/btrfs subvolume snapshot -r "/web" "/backup/web/2016-03-12_16:30:30"
CMD: sync
Snapshot 2016-03-12_16:30:30 for /web created successfully
CMD: mount
Mounting root subvolume skipped, since already mounted
Making incremental backup
CMD: /bin/btrfs send -p "/backup/web/2016-03-12_16:26:58" "/backup/web/2016-03-12_16:30:30" | /bin/btrfs receive /tmp/just_backup_btrfs_45e177f34dddc33a5b1537ce8f4913ba/web
At subvol /backup/web/2016-03-12_16:30:30
CMD: /bin/btrfs subvolume delete "/backup_hdd/web/2016-03-11_16:30:26"
Old snapshot 2016-03-11_16:30:26 removed successfully from /backup_hdd/web
Creating incremental backup 2016-03-12_16:30:30 of /web to /backup_hdd/web finished successfully
Unmounting root subvolume skipped
CMD: /bin/btrfs subvolume delete "/backup/web/2016-03-12_15:30:15"
Old snapshot 2016-03-12_15:30:15 removed successfully from /backup/web
Just backup btrfs finished!

Also you can call it with cron or in some other way:)

What it actually does?

  • reads configuration from /etc/just-backup-btrfs.json
  • creates destination_within_partition/history.db SQLite database if it doesn't exists yet
  • creates snapshot with date as the name inside destination_within_partition
  • creates backups (copies of snapshots inside destination_within_partition) inside destination_other_partition for the case when source filesystem crashes
  • store snapshot name, date and how long snapshot should be kept in destination_within_partition/history.db (and destination_other_partition/history.db, since backups might have own retention settings)
  • reads old snapshots stored in destination_within_partition/history.db (and destination_other_partition/history.db) and remove them from history.db and from filesystem


Configuration options are especially made self-explanatory:

		"source_mounted_volume"        : "/",
		"destination_within_partition" : "/backup/root",
		"destination_other_partition"  : null,
		"date_format"                  : "Y-m-d_H:i:s",
		"keep_snapshots"               : {
			"hour"  : 60,
			"day"   : 24,
			"month" : 30,
			"year"  : 48
		"source_mounted_volume"        : "/home",
		"destination_within_partition" : "/backup/home",
		"destination_other_partition"  : "/backup_external/home",
		"date_format"                  : "Y-m-d_H:i:s",
		"optimize_mounts"              : false,
		"keep_snapshots"               : {
			"hour"  : 120,
			"day"   : 48,
			"month" : 60,
			"year"  : 96
		"keep_other_snapshots"         : {
			"hour"  : -1,
			"day"   : 96,
			"month" : 120,
			"year"  : 192
		"minimum_delete_count"         : 10,
		"minimum_delete_count_other"   : 10
  • source_mounted_volume - string, absolute path, subvolume to backup/create snapshot of
  • destination_within_partition - string, absolute path, where to store snapshots, should be the same partition as source_mounted_volume
  • destination_other_partition - string, absolute path (or null if not needed), where to store actual backup, expected to be another BTRFS partition
  • date_format - string, date format as for PHP date() function
  • keep_snapshots - array with keys hour, day, month and year, each key contains number of snapshots that must be kept within corresponding time interval (-1 means unlimited)
  • keep_other_snapshots - the same as keep_snapshots, but for backups, keep_snapshots by default
  • optimize_mounts - allows to avoid constant remounting root during external backups since it might be slow; true by default, might be disabled if necessary
  • minimum_delete_count - minimum number of snapshots to remove, is used to decrease fragmentation and thus improve performance, 1 by default
  • minimum_delete_count_other - the same as minimum_delete_count, but for backups, minimum_delete_count by default

Save this config as /etc/just-backup-btrfs.json and customize as you like.


MIT, feel free to hack it and share!