
orlp/ed25519 compiled to WebAssembly using Emscripten and optimized for small size

Primary LanguageJavaScript

supercop.wasm Travis CI

orlp/ed25519 compiled to WebAssembly using Emscripten and optimized for small size

Based on supercop.js. Works exactly the same way with the same API as supercop.js (except using Uint8Array instead of Buffer for lower overhead in browser build), but multiple times smaller, uses WebAssembly and works in (modern) browsers (UMD-compatible).

How to install

npm install supercop.wasm

How to use


var supercop = require('supercop.wasm')

supercop.ready(function () {
    var seed = supercop.createSeed()
    var keys = supercop.createKeyPair(seed)
    var msg = Buffer.from('hello there')
    var sig = supercop.sign(msg, keys.publicKey, keys.secretKey)
    console.log(supercop.verify(sig, msg, keys.publicKey)) // true


requirejs(['supercop.wasm'], function (supercop) {
    supercop.ready(function () {
        var seed = supercop.createSeed()
        var keys = supercop.createKeyPair(seed)
        var msg = (new TextEncoder("utf-8")).encode("hello there")
        var sig = supercop.sign(msg, keys.publicKey, keys.secretKey)
        console.log(supercop.verify(sig, msg, keys.publicKey)) // true



  • callback - Callback function that is called when WebAssembly is loaded and library is ready for use

var seed = supercop.createSeed()

Generates a cryptographically-secure 32-byte seed (Uint8Array)

var keys = supercop.createKeyPair(seed)

Generates a keypair from the provided 32-byte seed (Uint8Array) with the following properties:

  • keys.publicKey - A 32 byte public key (Uint8Array).
  • keys.secretKey - A 64 byte private key (Uint8Array).

var sig = supercop.sign(msg, publicKey, secretKey)

Signs a given message of any length.

  • msg - Uint8Array of any length containing a message.
  • publicKey - The public key to sign with (Uint8Array).
  • secretKey - The private key to sign with (Uint8Array).
  • sig - The resulting signature (Uint8Array) of length 64 bytes.

var valid = supercop.verify(sig, msg, publicKey)

Verifies a given signature goes with the message and key.

  • sig - The signature to verify (Uint8Array).
  • msg - The message that the signature represents (Uint8Array).
  • publicKey - The public key used to generate the signature (Uint8Array).
  • valid - A boolean telling whether the signature is valid (true) or invalid (false).


Feel free to create issues and send pull requests (for big changes create an issue first and link it from the PR), they are highly appreciated!


Free Public License 1.0.0 / Zero Clause BSD License

