Spring Boot OAuth2 JWT/JWKS

This project created demo purposes of JWT and JWKS with OAUTH2.

Sequence diagram:

Authorization Sequence Diagram

1. Requirements

  • Unix/Linux OS
  • Makefile
  • Docker and Docker Compose

2. Installation

  • make set-up - for setting up a docker network
  • make up - for building & starting ms-authorization-server and ms-resource-server
  • make send-authentication-request - with request user will authenticate and retrieve access token
  • make ACCESS_TOKEN={access token from previous request} send-resource-request - fill access token from previous request and send request to protected resource server
  • make down - for shutdown ms-authorization-server and ms-resource-server
  • make clean - for removing the docker network

Ps: Each app also is runnable individually by make ms-authorization-server-up or make ms-resource-server-down.

3. Accessibility & Configuration

  • Authorization Server will be available at http://localhost:8081
  • Resource Server will be available at http://localhost:8082

JWKS Key Sets (with public key):

  "keys": [
      "kty": "RSA",
      "e": "AQAB",
      "use": "sig",
      "kid": "intellias-key-id",
      "alg": "RS256",
      "n": "qJM1_wcVVMr6gNUh5og4NsOx3RG3L5AHMvo2DkssN8lZ8dmrRQU1Vo1Idbpy1H-0yvXxrO4eyemhMFzqxNLK8fNKVEMHVzef53p3Kdu4P3KYx0nr7r2BVphGXHTx8ZyRJQ9hi85n7jEa5ZFScBa-eyRd4PpIjGDvPl6c0X1DWQSgZ4jsnSEOPf82E75NBQRiGvVjT4O7M3394w0xWiLnGZoo6sD7_N1uMiMR6ckkiCHUIrwmYlVeEznLzNoCpHIhtfIEBx4NjhelgP4MunK9iDKwkLvP7CaUHifzI-9N2ZN6o606tswXIxtS2Hk_kwuhegbtiEf5NUhYnTJNl7u2HQ"

Sample of JWT token with custom header:

JWT Token Validation

For making custom key pair for signing/verifying:

keytool -genkeypair \
  -alias intellias-oauth-jwt \
  -keyalg RSA \
  -keypass intellias-pass \
  -keystore intellias-jwt.jks \
  -storepass intellias-pass

With the command below RSA 1024 bit size JKS file will be created.

Note: A JKS file is an encrypted security file used to store a set of cryptographic keys or certificates in the binary Java KeyStore (JKS) format.

ECC RSA Comparision:



4. Credits