
Application of rnn-gan to machine translation

Primary LanguagePython

Neural Machine Translation using Adversarial Training

Adversarial Training or Generative Adversarial Networks have shown great promise in Image Generation and are able to achieve state-of-the-art results. However, For sequential data such as text, training GANs has proven to be difficult. One reason is because of non-differentiable nature of generating text with R NNs. Consequently, there have been past work where GANs have been employed for NLP tasks such as text generation, sequence labelling, etc. As a part of directed research, I examine one such application of GAN with RNN called Adversarial Neural Machine Translation.

Here, I manage to investigate how NMT-GAN works and implement an NMT-GAN model according to the work of (Lijun Wu et al., 2017) and finally compare it with traditional NMT models. The model was run on german-english and czech-english dataset.


Here, i make use of freely available IWSLT'14 dataset. The dataset is downloaded and preprocessed through facebook fairseq toolkit

Follow below steps to download & preprocess the dataset:

  1. git clone https://github.com/pytorch/fairseq
  2. cd examples/translation/; bash prepare-iwslt14.sh; cd ../.. (make sure to make relevant dataset name changes in bash script)
  3. TEXT=examples/translation/iwslt14.tokenized.de-en
  4. python preprocess.py --source-lang de --target-lang en --trainpref $TEXT/train --validpref $TEXT/valid --testpref $TEXT/test --destdir data-bin/iwslt14.tokenized.de-en


The main program for the NMT-GAN is joint_train.py .

The file train_generator.py is a traditional NMT, which is similar to NMT-GAN generator network.

To train NMT-GAN model, please use following command:

python joint_train.py --data data-bin/iwslt15.tokenized.cs-en/  --src_lang de --trg_lang en --learning_rate 1e-3 --joint-batch-size 64 --gpuid 0 --clip-norm 1.0 --epochs 10

This will save the model in checkpoints folder (make sure GPU is enabled)

Generate predictions as per below:

python generate.py --data data-bin/iwslt14.tokenized.de-en/ --src_lang de --trg_lang en --batch-size 64 --gpuid 0

This generates predictions.txt and real.txt

As common in most NMT models, we use BLEU score as an evaluation metric. I make use of freely available mosesedecoder toolkit.

Follow below steps for evaluation:

  1. Postprocess both real and predictions text files as below
bash postprocess.sh < real.txt > real_processed.txt
bash postprocess.sh < predictions.txt > predictions_processed.txt
  1. Run BLEU evaluation
perl scripts/multi-bleu.perl real_processed.txt < predictions_processed.txt


  1. Code adapted from: https://github.com/wangyirui/Adversarial-NMT
  2. https://github.com/pytorch/fairseq
  3. https://github.com/moses-smt/mosesdecoder/tree/master/scripts
  4. Lijun Wu, Yingce Xia, Li Zhao, Fei Tian, Tao Qin, Jianhuang Lai, and Tie-Yun Liu. Adversarial neural machine translation. arXiv, 2017