
Primary LanguageJavaScript

i am working on scale now

1st day
found this game today https://adventurebit.itch.io/samurailantern
discuss discuss discuss on slack

2d day
copy past http://phaser.io/examples/v2/p2-physics/tilemap-gravity to test p2

what it really interesting is the tween transition when you collide with the ennemies

every thing is okey in the art folder

in fact i am not easy with p2 so i am back to arcade
so the continuity for the game should be to use http://thisisellian.com/#prettyPhoto[2013]/6/
music is from the grinder 24/7 but i have to try the man with the iron fists

3d day night
so the project for now is to continue the fork and also to compare with a gameboy project 
seems that the links here are dead :/ http://www.devrs.com/gb/
i need to compare the tow approach with the same game

the work i've done is in this order 1-scratch 2-scale 3-states
i am stuc with the blurry scale when i use game.scale.scaleMode = Phaser.ScaleManager.SHOW_ALL

4th day
now i leave the project as is for a while to understand the process of making it
3 days to have the result in the state folder