
PHP Backend for a simple todo application.

Primary LanguagePHP


PHP Backend for a simple todo application

Tech Overview

This project uses symfony/http-foundation to handle requests and responses. bramus/router is the fantastic router package used to handle all the routing. The infamous Eloquent ORM (illuminate/database) is used to handle database queries, relationships and migrations. It can be debated that and ORM and a separate Router package is overkill for a small project like this, but these are battle tested packages that increases security, code readability and extensibility.


  1. Copy the .env.example file to .env
  2. JWT_KEY is needed to encode and verify JWT tokens. Use a random string.
  3. Update Database credentials.
  4. Run php database/migrate.php from command line to initialize the database.
  5. A demo account with email admin@admin.com and password secret is automatically created and ready to use.
  6. You can run php -S localhost:8080 which will start a development server at localhost:8080. Any free port can be used.