Stanford KBP System =================== Instructions: ============= 1) Download this repo and add the stanford-kbp folder to eclipse. 2) Install and enable JAVA JRE 1.8 in eclipse 3) Add the classifier model to the system following directions below The system should be good to run either directly from eclipse or can be exported as runnable JAR. DEPENDENCIES: ============= 1) java jre 1.8 2) eclipse LUNA CLASSIFIER MODEL DOWNLOAD: ========================= The model is temporarily located at: /var/local/vidhoon/thesis/maven_stan_system/model/kbp_relation_model.JOINT_BAYES.50.ser ADDING CLASSIFIER TO THE SYSTEM: ================================ Download/Copy the model and place it in the location: <directory to git repo>/stanford-kbp/edu/stanford/nlp/kbp SR PARSER models download: ========================== Need to download SR Parser models which is needed for post IR annotator: Adding SR parser models to system: ================================== Place them in this location for the system to detect them correctly: <path to git repo>/stanford-kbp/edu/stanford/nlp/models