composer global require "nazonohito51/cakephp2-ide-helper"
Recommend adding .gitignore_global
or .gitignore
path/to/your/vendor/bin/cakephp2-ide-helper generate:meta --app-dir=./app
Generate .phpstorm.meta.php
. see sample.
path/to/your/vendor/bin/cakephp2-ide-helper generate:helper --app-dir=./app
Generate _ide_helper.php
. see sample.
path/to/your/vendor/bin/cakephp2-ide-helper generate:controller --app-dir=./app --git-root=./
Update phpdoc of models, for code complement of behavior methods.
If there is duplicate models, this command will be failed.
When this case, you need --ignore
path/to/your/vendor/bin/cakephp2-ide-helper generate:controller --app-dir=./app --git-root=./
Update phpdoc of controller.
path/to/your/vendor/bin/cakephp2-ide-helper generate:shell --app-dir=./app --git-root=./
Update phpdoc of shell.
path/to/your/vendor/bin/cakephp2-ide-helper generate:model --app-dir=./app --git-root=./ --ignore=Model/SomeDuplicateClass.php
- read actsAs from Model
- read public methods from Behavior
- update phpdoc on Model with diff(use str_replace)
- analyze return type of Behavior
- deprecate Behavior method by model extends graph
- consider git manage files
- skip update model when phpdoc is empty
- ClassRegistry argument helper
- Fabricate argument helper
- fixtures argument helper(phpstorm meta)
- model property in controller
- getDataSource
- Model::find('first', 'count' ...)
- Model::find('', ['condition'...])
- withRead argument
- ignore unload behavior
- disable behavior extend
- Controller/Shell uses property
- Consider Behavior extends
- ignore abstract behavior, or assign abstract keyword
- consider about duplicate behaviors