
Monkey patch for php.

Primary LanguagePHP


Monkey patch for php. Transform php code when autoload. (php file itself will be not changed)


When include SomeClass (as below) by autoload or include/require.

namespace SomeNamespace;

class SomeClass
    public function someMethod()
        $client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
        return $client->request('GET', 'https://your.production.env.com/api/end_point');

You can fix php code.

(new \MonkeyPatch\Patcher())->whenLoad('/path/to/src')->patchBy(new class extends \MonkeyPatch\Filters\AbstractCodeFilter {
    public function transformCode(string $code): string
        // fix url.
        // 'https://your.production.env.com' -> 'https://your.test.env.com'
        return preg_replace('/https:\/\/your\.production\.env\.com/', 'https://your.test.env.com', $code);

In this case, SomeClass will be included as below. (Of course, original php file will be not changed.)

namespace SomeNamespace;

class SomeClass
    public function someMethod()
        $client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
        return $client->request('GET', 'https://your.test.env.com/api/end_point');


(new \MonkeyPatch\Patcher())->whenLoad('/path/to/src')->patchBy(new class extends \MonkeyPatch\Filters\AbstractCodeFilter {
    public function transformCode(string $code): string
        // fix $code by your logic.
        return $code;

If you want to use php-parser, use AbstractAstFilter.

(new \MonkeyPatch\Patcher())->whenLoad('/path/to/src')->patchBy(new class extends \MonkeyPatch\Filters\AbstractAstFilter {
    protected function getVisitor(): NodeVisitorAbstract
        // fix AST by your visitor.
        return new class extends NodeVisitorAbstract {


  • [] one time patch