
sample code for setting up the required AWS services to run a lex-powered webhook for a messenger bot

Primary LanguageTypeScript


  • FIX: on delete, bot is not deleted. fix the python provider handler for lex bot.
  • separate policies. 1 for webhandler, 1 for lambda providers.
  • update this doc to reflect the now automated lex bot creation
  • add method response template
  • create alias, delete alias
  • consider https://github.com/aws-cloudformation/custom-resource-helper
  • enable cors for both GET and POST /webhook
  • test integration works

Problem statement

For chatbot integrations, sometimes, you need to do some preprocessing with a message before it hits Lex. For example, you might be dealing with informal language and need to normalise the message using an external API before sending it over to Lex.

Solution overview

Setup a custom webhook to be supplied to the chat platform. The webhook will be handled by an API Gateway endpoint that is integrated with a Lambda function. In that Lambda function, Lex is called, amongst other things.


  • cdk installed on local machine


1. Prepare the Facebook components

  • Create Facebook page
  • Create Facebook app
  • in Facebook app, add Product 'Messenger'
  • link product to created page
  • click on generate token for that page. note this for Step 3

2. Create the Lexbot

  • use the quick launch template or create your own, note the bot name for the next step.
  • create an alias, such as 'latest', note this for the next step.

3. Deploy the stack

  • run cdk deploy
  • Go to the created Lamdba, fill the env vars:
    • BOT_NAME from Step 2
    • BOT_ALIAS from Step 2
    • PAGE_TOKEN from Step 1
    • VERIFY_TOKEN can be any string you set. note this for Step 4.

4. Connect the webhook

  • go back to the product setup page. click on 'add webook'
  • paste in the API_URL/webhook
  • paste in the same verify token from Step 3
  • it should be added if you've done everything above correctly. a common cause of error is not having the correct mapping template.

5. Test it

  • send a message to the page using the developer's facebook account. it should work.