
Simple Autocomplete Library (SAL) in JavaScript.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Simple Autocomplete Library in JavaScript

This is a very quick and simple implementation of an Autocomplete Library in vanilla JavaScript. This is just for teaching purposes. You can find much better libraries on the internet that have better UI and flows already set up.

Tutorial from EasyProgramming.net


A full video tutorial can be found on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yrf4lCR_yk4 Simple Autocomplete Library in JS Tutorial

More information on the tutorial can be found at https://www.easyprogramming.net/javascript/create_simple_autocomplete_lib.php


This tutorial assumes you already know how to do few other things in JavaScript:

  1. JavaScript Modules
  2. Crawl JSON using Recursive Functions
  3. Array methods
  4. Array.forEach() Loops

This tutorial also assumes you know basic HTML and CSS. They won't be covered in the how-to.



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details

Questions ?

Have questions? You can reach me through several different channels. You can ask a question in the issues forum, on EasyProgramming.net, or on the video comments on YouTube.


I will accept Pull requests fixing bugs or adding new features after I've vetted them. Feel free to create pull requests!