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Haven is for people who need a way to protect their personal spaces and possessions without compromising their own privacy, through an Android app and on-device sensors
A script to check the BLS Appointment slots, Auto submit and notify by a sound from browser
This repository contains amp implemented templates for blogger. Feel free to reuse, share, improve and contribute.
Blazing is a stunning modern looking mobile ready responsive theme which provides unique and minimal blog with main focus is to showcase your content more beautiful than ever & bring a pleasant reading experience to your readers. It has a notable Featured Boxes so that you can showcase your featured post or products. This is a fully 100% responsive free blogger template design which will enable your audience to check out latest updates from you on their Laptops, Tablets, Smartphones, etc. The colors can be changed from the Bloggers advanced Customization Area so you don’t have to go into the coding to make changes.
Bootstrap 4 integrated into a Google Blogger XML Template.
Clean Blog Bootstrap Template [Blogger Version]
An awesome responsive blog template/theme for (
Melesa is highly customizable template comes with 8 different body layouts, 3 footer layouts, 5 header layouts, 3 featured posts layouts, customizable 3 different post layouts and you can select your own pagination type. It also packed with the best infinite label widgets which are ajax powered and can handle all your posts. Melesa has its unique and one and only one infinite Mega Menu in the template which handles all the posts for the labels.
quasar responsive personal blogger template
nazzym-nazzym's Repositories
This repository contains amp implemented templates for blogger. Feel free to reuse, share, improve and contribute.
Blazing is a stunning modern looking mobile ready responsive theme which provides unique and minimal blog with main focus is to showcase your content more beautiful than ever & bring a pleasant reading experience to your readers. It has a notable Featured Boxes so that you can showcase your featured post or products. This is a fully 100% responsive free blogger template design which will enable your audience to check out latest updates from you on their Laptops, Tablets, Smartphones, etc. The colors can be changed from the Bloggers advanced Customization Area so you don’t have to go into the coding to make changes.
Bootstrap 4 integrated into a Google Blogger XML Template.
Clean Blog Bootstrap Template [Blogger Version]
An awesome responsive blog template/theme for (
Melesa is highly customizable template comes with 8 different body layouts, 3 footer layouts, 5 header layouts, 3 featured posts layouts, customizable 3 different post layouts and you can select your own pagination type. It also packed with the best infinite label widgets which are ajax powered and can handle all your posts. Melesa has its unique and one and only one infinite Mega Menu in the template which handles all the posts for the labels.
quasar responsive personal blogger template