
el_monitorro is RSS, Atom and JSON feed reader as a Telegram bot

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT




el_monitorro is RSS, Atom and JSON feed reader as a Telegram bot.

It's available at @el_monitorro_bot.



/start - show the bot's description and contact information

/subscribe url - subscribe to feed

/unsubscribe url - unsubscribe from feed

/list_subscriptions - list your subscriptions

/help - show available commands

/set_timezone - set your timezone. All received dates will be converted to this timezone. It should be offset in minutes from UTC. For example, if you live in UTC +10 timezone, offset is equal to 600

/get_timezone - get your timezone

/set_template url template - set a template for all received items for the specified subscription. All new updates will be converted to the format defined by this subscription. Supported fields you can use for templates:
- bot_feed_name - name of the feed
- bot_feed_link - url of the feed
- bot_item_name - name of the item
- bot_item_link - url of the item
- bot_item_description - description of the item
- bot_date - publication date of the feed
- bot_space - defines a space character
- bot_new_line - defines a new line character
Example: /set_template https://www.badykov.com/feed.xml bot_datebot_spacebot_item_namebot_new_linebot_item_description.

/get_template url - get a template for the subscription

/set_global_template - set global template. This template will be used for all subscriptions. If the subscription has its own template, the subscription template will be used. See /set_template for available fields.

/get_global_template - get global template

/get_filter url - get a filter for the subscription

/set_filter url template - set filter, for example, /set_filter https://www.badykov.com/feed.xml telegram,bots. You'll start receiving posts only containing words in the filter. Use `!word` to stop receiving messages containing the specified `word`. You can combine regular filter words with ! filter words. For example, `!bot,telegram`

/remove_filter url - remove filter

Common info

  • Feed updates check interval is 1 minute.
  • Unread items delivery interval is 1 minute.
  • The number of subscriptions is limited to 20.

The bot works in private chats, groups and channels. A couple of channels created with el monitorro:


Automatic deploy to Heroku

  1. Customize .env and Procfile with personal settings
  2. Click to deploy this application on Heroku:


Manual setup

You can deploy your instance of el_monitorro by:

  1. Set postgres db url (DATABASE_URL) and telegram bot token (TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN) to .env file in the root directory. For example:
  1. Setup database by running:
diesel database setup

You'll need diesel-cli for this

  1. Start a bot
  • Start the command bot
RUST_LOG=info RUST_BACKTRACE=1 cargo run --bin el_monitorro
  • Start the sync binary
RUST_LOG=info RUST_BACKTRACE=1 cargo run --bin sync
  • Start the delivery binary
RUST_LOG=info RUST_BACKTRACE=1 cargo run --bin deliver
  • If you don't want to store all feed items that were synced and feeds without any subscriptions, start the cleaner binary
RUST_LOG=info RUST_BACKTRACE=1 cargo run --bin cleaner


All configuration is done through env variables

Name Required Default value Example / Description
DATABASE_URL yes -- postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost/el_monitorro
TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN yes -- 6666618370:AAGx5YhNQvUG4eUcQXN-OB_a09ZzYl6aaaa
TELEGRAM_BOT_HANDLE no -- This value is used during parsing of commands. If you set autocompletion menu for your bot, the bot will understand commands like /subscribe@handle along with just /subscribe
SYNC_INTERVAL_SECONDS no 60 The bot tries to sync feeds every SYNC_INTERVAL_SECONDS seconds
DELIVER_INTERVAL_SECONDS no 60 The bot tries to deliver new feed items every DELIVER_INTERVAL_SECONDS seconds
CLEAN_INTERVAL_SECONDS no 3600 The bot cleans old feed items and feeds without subscriptions every CLEAN_INTERVAL_SECONDS seconds
OWNER_TELEGRAM_ID no -- If this value is set, the bot will process commands from the specified chat id
REQUEST_TIMEOUT no 5 Timeout in seconds for feed syncing requests

Using docker image

The image is published on docker hub under ayratbadykov/el_monitorro. It accepts additional env variables:

  • RUN_MIGRATION - if this variable is not empty, diesel database setup is run. It creates DB and runs migrations.
  • BOT_BINARY - depending on this variable, docker container will run one of four binaries. Possible values are commands, sync, deliver, cleaner, all.

You'll have to set these variables in the .env file. For example:



Run the docker container:

docker run --env-file ./.env --network host -t ayratbadykov/el_monitorro:latest


  • --network host is used so the docker container can access a host network if you're running Postgres on the same machine
  • To run all binaries (commands, sync, deliver and cleaner), you'll have to start 4 containers replacing BOT_BINARY variable, or run with BOT_BINARY set to all. If you choose to use the all option, it would be wise to set a cron job to restart the container periodically in case one of the executables crashes.

Creating a docker image from the latest master branch

Run the following command in the el_monitorro directory to build the image from the master branch:

docker build ./ -t ayratbadykov/el_monitorro:latest