Code for an Arduino-powered controller for the popular game,
Download and install Python 3:
Installation notes:
In Windows, open a DOS shell (cmd) and install these modules:
c:\Python\scripts\pip.exe install pyautogui c:\Python\scripts\pip.exe install pyserial
In Mac OS, open a terminal window and do this:
pip3 install pyobjc-core pip3 install pyobjc pip3 install pyautogui pip3 install pyserial
To run the programs:
Program an arduino to read a sensor (analog input) and print characters to the serial port. The baudrate for the serial port, e.g. Serial.begin(115200), will have to match the one in the Python script (see below).
Adapt the example Python script to identify the characters that the Arduino is writing and produce the desired keystrokes in your computer. You need to identify which port the Arduino is connected to: in Windows you can use the Arduino IDE Tools>Port menu and in Mac OS open a terminal and type: ls /dev/tty.usb* . Replace the port name in the python script with your board's address and use the same baudrate as the Arduino, e.g.:
ArduinoSerial = serial.Serial(port='/dev/tty.usbserial-A050260JB', baudrate=115200)
Upload the Arduino script to the board.
Run the Python script and leave it running in the background. For example, open a DOS shell (cmd), navigate to your Python installation directory and run the Python script from there, e.g.
This assumes that you saved the script in the same installation folder. Otherwise, type the path to it, e.g.
c:\Python\python.exe c:\Python\myDirectory\
In MacOS use Terminal to navigate to the directory of your Python script, then type: python3 (or whatever the script is called) and leave it running. Click on another window or open an app and you will control de cursor movement in it.
To be able to control apps in Mac OS, you may need to allow the Terminal to control your computer. Open System Preferences>Security & Privacy and add Terminal to the list of Apps that control the computer.
This project has many components. Debug one by one until each works independently and then try them together.
To play, open a window in your browser with the url Enter a nickname of your choosing and press play. Tilt the controller left and right to steer, and press the spacebar for a speed boost!
Eat to grow longer, and try not to run into anyone!