
A shared playground for signed commits

Signed commit playground

Do you have Git set up to sign your commits with GPG?

Want to try it out? This is the place! 👍

You can see the Verified (signed) commits in the commit log. Your signed commits will show up as Verified if you share your public key with Github.

To view the signatures locally, run:

git verify-commit <commit hash>


git log --show-signature

To verify that the commits are signed by the person they say they are, you'll need to import that person's public key into your local keyring. To import mine, for example,

curl https://keybase.io/nbarbettini/pgp_keys.asc | gpg --import

This works because I've stored my public keys on Keybase.


Edit this file and add your name below. Sign the commit and send me a PR! 😄