This is a "simple" example of how to use Uploadify to perform POST uploads directly Amazon S3. The code uses only Python standard library code, except for the boto library (Python AWS library). 1.) Install Verify the python "virtualenv" application is installed. (For Debian/Ubuntu "sudo aptitude install python-virtualenv") Run the "" script (e.g., "./") 2.) Activate the virtual environment (this is only necessary for development) ". env/bin/activate" 3.) Create a configuration file with the S3 credentials "cp server.ini.template server.ini" edit the server.ini and insert your AWS access and secret keys Edit the to modify the BUCKET_NAME appropriately 4.) Start the server "./" NOTE: Flash requires a crossdomain.xml file to reside in the bucket see There does not appear to be a mechanism, currently, to use the S3 POST "success-action_redirect" feature with Uploadify. It interprets a 303 as an error, and the onError callback does not have access to the actual response to extract the Location URI.
example in Python of uploading to S3 with browser POST using uploadify