BEL Language
The specification(s) for the Biological Expression Language.
Track changes with source control
Collaborate on specification through GitHub issues and comments
Each specification is captured in an individual asciidoc-formatted file.
Currently the OpenBEL Build Server renders the language specifications to HTML. The latest built HTML artifact can be obtained here.
Deployment toAll development is done in the master branch. The resulting files are used to build the site from master on the Bamboo build server.
The OpenBEL Build server builds the Asciidoc files from the version_X directories after copying them into the master:./web directory using asciidoctor and asciidoctor-pdf. The resulting html and pdf files in the master:./web directory along with the index.html and images are merged from the master branch to the gh-pages branch of the github repo:
All images and the openbel-custom.css are in the same directory as the asciidoc files when built and then copied into the same directory to be served from
The build script is: tools/scripts/