
PEframe is a open source tool to perform static analysis on (portable executable) malware.

Primary LanguagePython

PEframe 5.0.1

PEframe is a open source tool to perform static analysis on Portable Executable malware and generic suspicious file. It can help malware researchers to detect packer, xor, digital signature, mutex, anti debug, anti virtual machine, suspicious sections and functions, and much more information about the suspicious files.

Documentation will be available soon.


$ peframe <filename>            Short output analysis

$ peframe --json <filename>     Full output analysis JSON format

$ peframe --strings <filename>  Strings output

You can edit stringsmatch.json file to configure your fuzzer and virustotal apikey.

Output example

Short data example | Full data (JSON) example

Simple schema

        "peframe_ver": string,
        "file_type": string,
        "file_name": string,
        "file_size": int,
        "hash": dict,
        "file_found": dict,
        "url_found": list,
        "ip_found": list,
        "virustotal": dict,
        "fuzzing": list,
        "pe_info": {
                "compile_time": string,
                "dll": bool,
                "sections_number": int,
                "sections_info": list,
                "xor_info": dict,
                "detected": list,
                "directories": list,
                "sign_info": dict,
                "packer_info": list,
                "mutex_info": list,
                "antidbg_info": list,
                "antivm_info": list,
                "apialert_info": list,
                "meta_info": dict,
                "import_function": list,
                "export_function": list,
                "resources_info": list



Python 2.7.x


To install from PyPI:

# pip install https://github.com/guelfoweb/peframe/archive/master.zip

To install from source:

$ git clone https://github.com/guelfoweb/peframe.git

$ cd peframe

# python setup.py install

Talk about...


This tool is currently maintained by Gianni 'guelfoweb' Amato, who can be contacted at guelfoweb@gmail.com or twitter @guelfoweb. Suggestions and criticism are welcome.

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