
CFK deployment scripts I use for a Raspberry Pi cluster running Rancher K3s

Primary LanguageDockerfile


CP 7.5 and CFK 2.7 aarch64 images available here: https://hub.docker.com/u/bargovic

This is a set of sample development scripts to install Confluent Platform on Rancher K3s.

Deployment Steps

  1. Start LDAP with helm upgrade --install -f ./openldap/ldaps-rbac.yaml openldap ./openldap --namespace ldap
  2. If enabling Health+, create the api secret with kubectl create secret generic telemetry-auth --from-file=telemetry.txt=../credentials/telemetry.txt
  3. Install CFK using helm bundle: Instructions Here
  4. Create the Certs and Secrets with the commands in ./mtls/create-certs-and-secrets.txt
  5. Start the brokers with kubectl apply -f brokers.yaml -n confluent
  6. Add role bindings kubectl apply -f rolebindings.yaml -n confluent
  7. Start the other services with kubectl apply -f services.yaml -n confluent
  8. Start RestProxy kubectl apply -f kafkarestproxy.yaml -n confluent