
A docker image with debug utils that are handy for diagnosing issues with a CFK install of Confluent Platform.

Primary LanguageShell


A docker image with debug utils that are handy for diagnosing issues with a CFK install of Confluent Platform.

Tools included

How to build

You can build the image with your own client properties files and keystore(s)/truststore(s).

  1. Base64 the contents of all keystores, truststores, and kube config files. example cat keystore.p12 | base64
  2. Insert the base64 contents into debug-secrets.yml
  3. Update or insert any client connection properties files into the properties/ directory
  4. Build the container:
docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64 -t bargovic/kafka-debug:1.0.7-amd64 .

How to deploy to K8s

kubectl apply -f debug-secrets.yaml
kubectl apply -f debug-pod.yml -n confluent

Example debug commands

Apache Kafka CLI:

kafka-topics.sh --list --bootstrap-server kafka.fios-router.home:9092 --command-config properties/kafka-client.properties

ksqlDB Shell:

ksql https://ksqldb.fios-router.home -u testadmin --config-file properties/ksql.properties

Update connect logging level:

curl -s -k -X PUT -H "Content-Type:application/json" https://connect/admin/loggers/io.confluent.connect.syslog -d '{"level": "DEBUG"}' -u <username>:<password> | jq
curl -s -k -X GET https://connect/admin/loggers/ -u <username>:<password> | jq

nslookup and netcat:

nslookup kafka.fios-router.home
nc -zv kafka.fios-router.home 9092

nslookup kafka.confluent.svc.cluster.local
nc -zv kafka.confluent.svc.cluster.local 9071