Having spent some time going deeper into Vue.js and exploring Pinia, I decided to put what I'd learned into practice and rewrite a project I'd made earlier using vanilla JS: Trivia Trainer (Repo)
This project uses the Open Trivia Database (API documentation)
Trivia Trainer displayed the full set of questions on screen at once; for Quiz Master I wanted to display the questions one at a time and share information across multiple components (that's the beauty of Vue, after all). What better use case for a state management framework?
In my enthusiasm, I may have shoved too much into a single store, but that's what refactoring is for!
The project is currently live at https://nbarnabee.github.io/quiz-master/
In progress: I'm currently working on a form component that will allow the user to specify subjects/difficulty/# of questions.
See the form
To do: Add unit tests. Break the questions store into smaller bites.
Fork repo.
npm install
npm run dev
npm run build
Run Unit Tests with Vitest (To be implemented later)
npm run test:unit