
A revamped version of a vanilla JS project, using Vue and Pinia

Primary LanguageVue


Having spent some time going deeper into Vue.js and exploring Pinia, I decided to put what I'd learned into practice and rewrite a project I'd made earlier using vanilla JS: Trivia Trainer (Repo)

This project uses the Open Trivia Database (API documentation)

Trivia Trainer displayed the full set of questions on screen at once; for Quiz Master I wanted to display the questions one at a time and share information across multiple components (that's the beauty of Vue, after all). What better use case for a state management framework?

In my enthusiasm, I may have shoved too much into a single store, but that's what refactoring is for!

The project is currently live at https://nbarnabee.github.io/quiz-master/

In progress: I'm currently working on a form component that will allow the user to specify subjects/difficulty/# of questions.

See the form branch.

To do: Add unit tests. Break the questions store into smaller bites.

Project Setup

Fork repo.

npm install

Compile and Hot-Reload for Development

npm run dev

Compile and Minify for Production

npm run build

Run Unit Tests with Vitest (To be implemented later)

npm run test:unit