BASH Timelapse

BASH scripts that take timelapse photography as JPGs and assembles them into an fullsized and thumbnail MP4.

Timelapse photo capture

timelapse_photo takes photos using fswebcam and deletes old photos maintaining a maximum number of files and a minimum amount of hard drive space.

  • To install the prerequisite, fswebcam, execute the following (or equivalent):

      sudo apt-get install fswebcam
  • Edit timelapse_photo specifying the desired photo directory, photo resolution, maximum number of photos, minimum hard drive capacity, and camera rotation (orientation in degrees).

  • Edit timelapse_photo.crontab specifying the path to the timelapse_photo executable, as well as desired schedule (see man 5 crontab for documentation of schedule format).

  • To enable the scheduled execution of the timelapse photo script, execute:

      crontab timelapse_photo.crontab

Timelapse video creation

timelapse_video converts a JPG sequence of timelapse photos and using fswebcam and deletes old photos maintaining a maximum number of files and a minimum amount of hard drive space.

  • To install the prerequisite, ffmpeg, execute the following (or equivalent):

      sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
  • Edit timelapse_video specifying the photo directory, desired output directory, and aspect ratios.

  • Execute:
