Boilerplate Electron Web App

This is a modification of electron-quick-start. main.js has been preloaded with some features frequently needed for always-on kiosk applications (error recovery, guaranteed execution order of server-client startup, lockdown). These features are exposed for customization in config.json.


To initialize

npm install

If you need to build for the Windows platform from a Mac computer

brew install wine

In package.json:

  • replace APP_NAME in "name", "build:win", "build:mac", and "build:copyClient" with a lower-case, hyphenated app name
  • replace APP_DESCRIPTION in "description"
  • replace $USER and $TARGET_MACHINE in "deploy" (optional if using ssh to deploy on local network)
  • replace $SERVER, $STAGING_FOLDER, and $DEPLOY_FOLDER in "aws:upload", "aws:config", and "aws:move" (option if deploying to aws)

In app/sw.js:

  • replace $APP_NAME

In app/js/app.js:

  • add assets you want the service worker to cache to the assets array

In app/index.html:

  • replace $APP_NAME

In config.json:

  • replace "url" with the url of the app, whether form local filesystem or remote via http(s)

In electron/package.json:

  • replace APP_NAME in "name" and "productName"


To build for Mac

npm run buildMac

To build for Windows

npm run buildWin

Config Options

The config.json offers lots of customization options.


To load a local website with path relative to Contents/Resources/app:

	"url": "index.html"

To load a local website with absolute path:

	"url": "file:///path/to/index.html"

To load a remote website:

	"url": "",


To load with dev tools open:

	"url": "",
	"debug": true


By default, zoom is disabled. To re-enable:

	"url": "",
	"zoom": true


Passed wholesale to Electron's BrowserWindow constructor. See their documentation for all options.

The most useful options include initial x, y, width, and height, as well as flags to toggle whether the browser window will be fullscreen, resizable, moveable, minimizable, maximizable, closable, in kiosk mode, and/or alwaysOnTop.

Note: to use jQuery, you need to disable Electron's node integration via webPreferences.nodeIntegration=false. More info at

  "url": "",
  "debug": true,
  "browserWindow": {
    "width": 1280,
    "height": 720,
    "fullscreen": false,
    "resizable": false,
    "moveable": false,
    "minimizable": false,
    "maximizable": false,
    "closable": false,
    "kiosk": false,
    "alwaysOnTop": true,
    "webPreferences": {
      "nodeIntegration": false


Some Chrome command line switches can be passed through. More info at

  "url": "",
  "commandLineSwitches": {

launchDelay and kioskDelay

You can delay the app's initial launch, and the app's activation of kiosk mode, in case you need to wait for other tasks to complete, or if you encounter this issue: electron/electron#1054 (comment).

  "url": "",
  "debug": true,
  "launchDelay": 1000,
  "kioskDelay": 100,
  "browserWindow": {
    "kiosk": true


If Electron encounters an error (unresponsive, did-fail-load, crashed, plugin-crashed) it will attempt to reload the page on an interval equal to reloadTimeout measured in milliseconds.

  "url": "",
  "reloadTimeout": 3000

resizeTimeout and bounds

If bounds is specified, the web app is assumed not to be fullscreened, and it will periodically ensure that it is sized to fit the specified bounds. Resizing occurs on an interval equal to resizeTimeout measured in milliseconds.

  "url": "",
  "resizeTimeout": 3000,
   "width": 1280,
   "height": 720