COMP4321-Search Engine

87YungLive-search engine

One Paragraph of project description goes here

Getting Started

The search engine was built using Java Maven project with spring framework

  • Java (Maven)
  • Tomcat server
  • Spring framework
  • Javascript
  • Jsp
  • CSS


Follow a concise article written by SeanThePlug to set up the environment: links to article

Please also change the following value inside

    String path = "ABSOLUTE_PATH/comp_4321_project_search_engine/src/main/java/db/data/words";
    String path2 = "ABSOLUTE_PATH/comp_4321_project_search_engine/src/main/java/db/data/docs";

Alt text

Also change the following path inside

FileWriter writer = new FileWriter("ABSOLUTE_PATH/comp_4321_project_search_engine/src/txtFile/spider_result.txt", true);

Alt text

Running the tests for phase 1

  • Before starting the test, you have to manually delete the content within the db/data/words and db/data/docs
  • Run the server and type in ( to the textbox.
  • Click submit and wait for the text file to generate.
  • find the spider_result.txt in the src/txtFile folder

Running the tests for phase 2(please check the final report)links to report