
Bolt Extension to make easier to display OpenAgenda events on your website

Primary LanguagePHP

OpenAgenda for Bolt

This bolt.cm extension makes easier to display OpenAgenda events on your website (OpenAgenda: Get an efficient public calendar now).

Extension uses also CalendR PHP lib, to manage calendar view and load json OpenAgenda events on it.



  1. Login to your Bolt installation
  2. Go to "View/Install Extensions" (Hover over "Extras" menu item)
  3. Type OpenAgenda into the input field
  4. Click on the extension name
  5. Click on "Browse Versions"
  6. Click on "Install This Version" on the latest stable version

Extension Configuration

    - alias: test1   # Any alias you want, to identify your OpenAgenda instance on Bolt
      id:    123456  # Your OpenAgenda Id

CalendR Helper

CalendR lib enables to manage a calendar and the containing events. It comes with a Silex provider and Twig Extension. To get events from your OpenAgenda, specify your agenda_id on calendr_events` call.

{% set year   = calendr_year(requestYear) %}
{% set events = calendr_events(year, {'agenda_id': 16163963}) %}

My agenda page looks like:

{% set currentYear  = now|date('Y') %}
{% set requestYear  = (app.request.get('agendayear')|default(currentYear)) %}
{% set aWeek  = calendr_week(2017, 01) %}
{% set year   = calendr_year(requestYear) %}
{% set events = calendr_events(year, {'agenda_id': 16163963}) %}
<div class="calendar">

    {% for month in year %}
    <div class="row">
        <h3 class="calendar__month"><span>{{ month|localedatetime('%B') }} {{ month.format('Y') }}</span></h3>
        <div class="columns large-4">
            <table class="calendar">
                        {% for aDay in aWeek %}
                        <th>{{ aDay|localedatetime('%a')|first }}</th>
                        {% endfor %}
                {% for week in month %}
                        {% for day in week %}
                        <td class="
                            {% if not month.includes(day) %}calendar__day--outofmonth{% endif %}
                            {% if day.isCurrent %}calendar__day--current{% endif %}
                            {% if events.find(day)|length > 0 %}calendar__day--withevents{% endif %}">
                            {{ day.getBegin|localedatetime('%d') }}
                        {% endfor %}
                {% endfor %}
        <div class="columns large-8">
            <ul class="list--alt">
            {% for event in events.find(month) %}
                <li class="list__item--event">
                    <h4><a href="{{ path('agendaevent', {'agendaalias': 'test1', 'eventuid': event.getJSON.uid, 'eventslug': event.getJSON.slug }) }}">{{ event.getJSON.title.fr }}</a></h4> {% if event.getJSON.category|length > 0 %}<span class="label radius category">{{ event.getJSON.category.label }}</span>{% endif %}
                        <span class="date">{{ event.begin|localedatetime('%A %d/%m at %H:%M') }}</span>{% if event.getJSON.description.fr is not empty %}<span class="description"> - {{ event.getJSON.description.fr }}</span>{% endif %}
            {% else %}
                <li><p>No future events currently scheduled.</p></li>
            {% endfor %}
    {% endfor %}

Twig Helper

oa_nextEvents function

If you want to display the next events of test1 agenda, use oa_nextEvents twig function. It returns an array of events. All OpenAgenda data could be retrieve with getJSON method.

    {% for event in oa_nextEvents('test1')|slice(0, 5) %}
    <li><span class="date">{{ event.begin|localedatetime('%d/%m') }}</span> <a href="{{ path('agendaevent', {'agendaalias': 'zdt', 'eventuid': event.getJSON.uid, 'eventslug': event.getJSON.slug }) }}">{{ event.getJSON.title.fr }}</a></li>
    {% else %}
    <li>No future events currently scheduled.</li>
    {% endfor %}

oa_nextEvents function

If you want to display a particular event of test1 agenda, use oa_event twig function. It returns an event.

{% set oaevent = oa_event(app.request.get('agendaalias'), app.request.get('eventuid')) %}
{% if oaevent is not empty %}
    {% set event = oaevent.getJSON %}

        <header><p><a href="{{ path('agenda') }}" class="button tiny">Back to agenda</a></p></header>

    {% if event.image is not empty %}
        <img src="{{ event.image }}" alt="" />
    {% endif %}

        <h1>{{ event.title.fr }}</h1>

    {% if event.description.fr is not empty %}
        <p class="head">{{ event.description.fr }}</p>
    {% endif %}

    {% if event.category|length > 0 %}<p><span class="label radius">{{ event.category.label }}</span></p>{% endif %}

    {% if event.timings[0] is defined and event.timings[0].start is not empty %}
        <p><strong>Timing :</strong> {{ event.timings[0].start|localedatetime('%A %e %B %Y') }}
        {% set event_dtStart = event.timings[0].start|localedatetime('%y%m%d') %}
        {% if event.timings[0].end is not empty %}
            {% set event_dtEnd = event.timings[0].end|localedatetime('%y%m%d') %}
            {% if event_dtStart == event_dtEnd %}
                from {{ event.timings[0].start|localedatetime('%H:%M') }} to {{ event.timings[0].end|localedatetime('%H:%M') }}
            {% else %}
                at {{ event.timings[0].start|localedatetime('%H:%M') }} to {{ event.timings[0].start|localedatetime('%A %e %B %Y à %H:%M') }}
            {% endif %}
        {% else %}
            at {{ event.timings[0].start|localedatetime('%H:%m') }}
        {% endif %}
    {% endif %}

    {% if event.html.fr is not empty %}
            {{ event.html.fr|raw }}
    {% endif %}

    {% if event.location is defined and event.location.name is not empty %}
        <p><strong>Location :</strong> {{ event.location.name }}{% if event.location.address is not empty %}, {{ event.location.address }}{% endif %}{% if event.location.city is not empty %}, {{ event.location.postalCode }} {{ event.location.city }}{% endif %}</p>
    {% endif %}

    {% if event.location is defined and event.location.latitude is not empty %}
        <div id="oa-event__map" style="height:200px; width:100%;"></div>
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/leaflet@1.0.2/dist/leaflet.css" />
        <script src="https://unpkg.com/leaflet@1.0.2/dist/leaflet.js"></script>
        var map = L.map('oa-event__map').setView([{{ event.location.latitude|replace({",": "."}) }}, {{ event.location.longitude|replace({",": "."}) }}], 13);

        L.tileLayer('https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
            attribution: '&copy; <a href="https://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors'

        L.marker([{{ event.location.latitude|replace({",": "."}) }}, {{ event.location.longitude|replace({",": "."}) }}]).addTo(map)
    {% endif %}
{% else %}
<div class="warning callout">
  <p>This page did not match any events.</p>
{% endif %}

Extension Config

Your configuration could be accessed from twig template with: {% set extension_config = app['bolt-openagenda.config'] %}

Routing example

You can add some routes on Bolt to manage your agenda pages:

    path: /agenda/evenet/{agendaalias}/{eventuid}/{eventslug}
        _controller: controller.frontend:record
        contenttypeslug: page
        slug: agenda-event
        agendaalias: '[a-z0-9-_]+'
        eventuid:  '[0-9]+'
        eventslug: '[a-z0-9-_]+'

    path: /agenda/{agendayear}
        _controller: controller.frontend:record
        contenttypeslug: page
        slug: agenda
        agendayear: '20[1-2][0-9]'

    path: /agenda
        _controller: controller.frontend:record
        contenttypeslug: page
        slug: agenda


Extension icon is inspired by work of Rockicon on Noun Project


This Bolt extension is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license