
Add a simple local comment system to Bolt CMS

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

!!! Work in progress

Simple comment system - Bolt Extension

Bolt extension to add a simple local comment system


  • Comment form twig function
  • Comments list twig function
  • Comments number twig function
  • Config personal templates
  • Comment with or without approval
  • Use gravatar if possible
  • Use CSS Emoticons
  • Use Honeypot technique for spam
  • Notifications are sent to followers of a thread
  • Add mention system with Tribute.js


Known limitations and futures features

  • Comment Entity have to be create manually on contentypes.yml
  • Translates only load after Bolt 3.1.X
  • Add Notification to website owner for approval
  • Enhance Spam detection : add reCaptcha or list personal questions/responses or Akismet
  • Manage IP Blacklist ?


  1. Login to your Bolt installation
  2. Go to "View/Install Extensions" (Hover over "Extras" menu item)
  3. Type bolt-simple-comment-system into the input field
  4. Click on the extension name
  5. Click on "Browse Versions"
  6. Click on "Install This Version" on the latest stable version

Set up

  1. You have to add comment ContentType. Connect to your admin, got to "Configuration/Contenttypes" and add the following :
   name: Comments
   singular_name: Comment
           type: slug
           type: text
           label: Display Name
           type: text
           label: Email
           type: html
           height: 300px
           type: text
           label: Parent entity
           type: checkbox
           label: Keep author notify of new comments
   recordsperpage: 100
   show_on_dashboard: true
   viewless: true
   sort: -datepublish
   icon_many: "fa:comments"
   icon_one: "fa:comment"
  1. Then, you have update your database, got to "Configuration/Check database" and click on "Update the database" button.


  • This extension may uses the Swiftmailer library to send email notifications, based on the mailoptions: setting in your Bolt app/config/config.yml file.
  • When first installed, Extension defaults to turning debugging on in the configuration. This should be turned off when deployed in production. When debugging is on, all outbound emails are sent to the configured debug email address.
  • When you install Extension, you may have to create app/config/extensions/boltsimplecommentsystem.leskis.yml.

Tip: If you want to modify the HTML templates, you should copy the .yml file to your theme/ folder, and modify it there. Any changes in the file in the distribution might be overwritten after an update to the extension. For instance, if you copy bscs_list_comments.twig to theme/base-2016/my_list_comments.twig, the corresponding line in config.yml should be: list: my_list_comments.twig

Extension Configuration

        order: asc              # 'desc' if you want the new comments at the top
#        default_approve: true  # 'false' if submited comments should get "draft" status by default
        enabled: false
#        list:
#            - question: What is the color of the blue sky?
#              responses: blue
#            - question: What is the sum of two plus one?
#              responses: [ three, 3 ]
        enabled: true
#        url: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/XXX?s=40&d=mm
        enabled: true
        animate: false
        enabled: true
        enabled: true
            enabled: true
            address: noreply@example.com # email used to send debug notifications
            from_name:  Your website
            from_email: your-email@your-website.com
#            replyto_name:   #
#            replyto_email:  #

# templates:
#     form: extensions/leskis/bolt-simple-comment-system/templates/bscs_form_comment.twig
#     list: extensions/leskis/bolt-simple-comment-system/templates/bscs_list_comments.twig
#     emailbody: extensions/leskis/bolt-simple-comment-system/templates/bscs_email_body.twig
#     emailsubject: extensions/leskis/bolt-simple-comment-system/templates/bscs_email_subject.twig

# assets:
#     frontend:
#         load_js: true
#         load_css: true


Where you want to display the comment list, add on your record template:

{# Define a uniq id for this list of comments #}
{% set guid = record.contenttype.singular_slug ~ '/' ~ record.id %}

{# display the list of comments for this uniq id #}
{{ bscs_list_comments({ 'guid': guid }) }}

{# display comment form for this uniq id #}
{{ bscs_add_comment({ 'guid': guid }) }}

{# display number of comments for this uniq id #}
{% set numberOfComments = bscs_count_comments({ 'guid': guid }) %}
{% if numberOfComments == 0 %}
No comment.
{% else %}
There are {{ numberOfComments }} comment{{ numberOfComments > 1 ? 's' }}{% endif %}


This Bolt extension is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license