
An actionsheet for jquerymobile

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This is an iOS like action sheet

See index.html for full example.

Its not a page its a popup you can use on a page. To do so, first, include actionsheet css and js to the first page of your application. 
Then simply place a HTML Element on the page you like to open the popup.
A link tag for example. Add the data-role "actionsheet" to it. U can place it within
the header as well as within the content. Both should work.
Now add a div directly following this link. Wrap all content you like to show in the popup
into this div. Ready. See the following HTML code for details.

<a data-icon="plus" data-role="actionsheet">Open</a>
      <a data-role="button" href="#">Action 1</a>
      <a data-role="button" href="#">Action 2</a>
      <a data-role="button" href="#">Action 3</a>
      <!-- This close button is optional. The widget also closes if you click or touch outside of the popup -->
      <a data-role="button" data-rel="close" href="#">Cancel</a>

Also you can use html ids to associate toggle and sheet. This way the sheet must not directly follow the toggle.
<a data-role="actionsheet" data-sheet='sheet0'>Open</a>

.... A lot a lot a lot markup in between ....

<div id='sheet0'>
    <h1>This is sheet0 speaking</h1>

If you like to change the in -out Animation you can do that by editing the keyframes in jquery.mobile.actionsheet.css

* Easy to configure CSS3 based keyframe animations
* Popup content can be any HTML
* No js coding needed.
* Nice default look

There are some new features to make jquery.mobile.actionsheet look more like an android action sheet, see the motivation in hiroprotagonist#9

New attributes:
data-sheethidden="true"   --> that will hide the anchor link, for cases you don't need any ui to open the sheet cause you'll do it programatically through $('#idsheet').actionsheet('open')

data-sheetstyle="android" --> that will make an android-like action sheet, that means the sheet will be positioned at footer of page, with background taking all the width of the screen.

data-sheetuseslide="true" --> that will use the jquery-ui slide effect to animate the sheet, which better mimics an android action sheet, instead of using the default css transition.

Also, a new method 'is_opened' has been added to check if the sheet is opened or closed, so, as an example, the code for a phone/tablet button handler to open/close the sheet could be:

function onButtonPressed() {
      if ($('#mysheet').actionsheet('is_opened')) {
	} else {