React Native project for the React Native the practical guide Udemy course of Maximilan Schwarzmüller.
The course can be found here.
The project has been generated using the React Native CLI Quickstart in the official React Native documentation by Facebook.
Virtual device
- Open Android Studio > Configure > AVD Manager
- Click on the green arrow for the virtual device of your choice
- Run the following from the command prompt:
npm run android
- To enable Hot Reloading, Ctrl+M and click on Enable Hot Reloading
Real phone
- Turn off any Virtual Device
- Connect your phone and allow access to your computer (note that USB access must be turned on in developer settings on your phone)
- Run
npm run android
- To enable Hot Reloading, shake your phone and click on Enable Hot Reloading
Some libraries require modification of the native Android or iOS projects. This section tracks down which libraries have been setup in their respective native projects.
You can run react-native link <package-name>
or manually install the library for Android
and iOS.
- Vector icons:
- Android (cli)
- iOS (cli)