- Head First Android Development A Brain-Friendly Guide; Dawn Griffiths & David Griffiths
- Professional Android for Application Development; Reto Meier
- https://www.kodeco.com/34718715-lifecycle-aware-components-in-android
- https://www.studytonight.com/android/introduction-to-android
- https://www.infobrother.com/Tutorial/XML-Android/XML-Syntax
[M1] Introduction
- Motivation
- History
- Android Architecture
[M2] Android Studio
- Setup and IDE
- Create new Project
- Create Emulator
- Device Manager
[M3] Activity, Intent, Fragment
- Activity
- Intent
- Fragment
[M4] GUI
- Android Resources: Manifest, XML and Res folder
- Concepts on screens
- Layouts
- Useful View
- Advanced View : Adapter & ViewAdapter
[M5] Storage
- Shared Preferences
- Internal & External Storage
- Local Database: SQLite
- Remote Database: Firebase