Goal: Scripts that allow for importing contact information from LinkedIN and Google Contacts and then exporting them to google contacts, tools for keeping notes and keeping track of whether a contact will remember me. Need to trim contacts that wouldn't remember me. They are no longer functional.
- Keep track of hundreds of contacts
- Facilitate development of those relationships
- Stay top of mind
- Limited memory
- Limited access to notes when talking to someone
- poor interfaces in contact management tools
- Use Google Contacts as front-end UI
- Simple
- Already on phone
- no permissions required
- searchable
- labels for networks
- Use LinkedIN to get most up-to-date employment information occational run script to bring this information in
- Use LinkedIN to grab contact information for contacts I haven't added to Google Contacts
- Keep track of other knowledge in notes
- Will this contact remember me?
- What are my goals for this contact?
- When did I last contact this person?
- What did we talk about then?
- What do I know about this person?
- Strengths, weaknesses, interests, aspirations, things they like, how they think
- parse LinkedIn CSV or integrate with LinkedIN API
- parse Google Contacts CSV or integrate with Google API
- will need to integrate with API to upload updated information