
Terraform configuration to deploy Jenkins into AWS ECS/Fargate

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Terraform configuration to deploy Jenkins into AWS ECS/Fargate


Jenkins Master

After the stack has been created, the load balancer DNS name will be output as load_balancer_dns_name. Create a CNAME record in your DNS that points to the load_balancer_dns_name output.

The Jenkins admin password will be printed in the logs the first time Jenkins starts up and can be obtained by navigating to the Jenkins ECS Task and clicking on the Logs tab.

Jenkins Slaves

Install the amazon-ecs Jenkins plugin. Navigate to Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins > Available and search for amazon-ecs. If there are multiple search results select the plugin named Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) / Fargate, then click Install without restart.

Configuring an ECS cloud

Create a Jenkins cloud configuration so the master can spawn slaves in ECS to run jobs. Navigate to Manage Jenkins > Manage Nodes and Clouds > Configure Clouds. Click on Add a new cloud, select Amazon EC2 Container Service Cloud.

Enter the following values in the form to enable AWS access for Jenkins:

Name: ecs-cloud
Amazon ECS Region Name: output.aws_region
ECS Cluster: output.ecs-cluster_name

Click Advanced
Tunnel connection through: output.ecs-cloud_tunnel_connection

Click the Add button next to ECS agent templates to define a template for Jenkins slave ECS tasks.

Label: ecs # Used in pipeline definitions to select the slave agent
Template Name: jenkins-agent # Will form part of the task definition name
Docker Image: jenkins/inbound-agent:alpine
Launch type: FARGATE # Fargate doesn't require provisioning of EC2 instances
Soft Memory Reservation: 2048 # See Supported Configurations for Fargate
CPU units: 1024 # See Supported Configurations for Fargate
Subnets: output.jenkins_task_private_subnet_ids # separated by comma
Security Groups: output.jenkins_agent_security_group_id
Click Advanced
Task Execution Role ARN: output.jenkins_execution_role_arn
Logging Driver: awslogs Logging Configuration: Name/Value pairs configure Jenkins slave logs to be written to AWS CloudWatch
awslogs-group: output.jenkins_log_group
awslogs-region: output.aws_region
awslogs-stream-prefix: jenkins-agent
Click Save

Configuring a slave job

  • Pipelines should be configured to run on an agent with the ecs label, matching the Label field in the ECS agent template configuration.


  • automated EFS backups via AWS Backup. Terraform AWS provider 3.16.0 currently does not support (11/2020)