
Vim plugin for CMake projects

Primary LanguageVim ScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Build Status Code style codecov License

I created this plugin in order to improve integration CMake to the Vim editor. I tried different plugins for vim which allow to work with cmake but I didn't find the plugin which was satisfied my requrements.

cmake4vim common

Key features

  • Written in pure Vimscript
  • The plugin supports next CMake Generators:
    • Unix Makefiles
    • Visual Studio
    • Ninja
  • The plugin shows cmake results using quickfix list. If you have installed vim-dispatch plugin, plugin will use it, this means that if you are using vim with tmux, cmake output will be printed in a separate window.
  • The plugin allows to specify cmake targets in order to avoid building of all project.
  • The plugin has an integration with next fuzzy finder plugins:
  • The plugin allows to specify make arguments for native build system (for example -jN and something else for Unix Make).
  • The plugin parses the output of cmake command and supports jump to warnings or errors. cmake4vim error



You can use VimPlug for installation:

Plug 'ilyachur/cmake4vim'

Or Pathogen:

cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone https://github.com/ilyachur/cmake4vim


The current version of the plugin supports next commands:

  • :CMake creates a build directory (if it is necessary) and generates cmake project.
  • :CMakeBuild builds current cmake project. The command allows to specify cmake target.
  • :CMakeInfo prints some CMake information (Attention! It is an experimental feature).
  • :CMakeResetAndReload removes cmake cache and re-generates cmake project.
  • :CMakeReset removes cmake cache (this command removes the cmake build directory).
  • :CMakeClean cleans the project (it is equal of the execution make clean).
  • :CMakeSelectTarget selects a target for project. You should put target name as a command line argument.
  • :CtrlPCMakeTarget you can use CtrlP in order to select a target for project.
  • :FZFCMakeSelectTarget you can use FZF in order to select a target for project.
  • :CMakeSelectBuildType Change the cmake build type with argument passed and call :CMake.


Plugin supports special global variables which are allow to change behaviour of commands (you can change them in your .vimrc):

  • g:cmake_reload_after_save if this variable is not equal 0, plugin will reload CMake project after saving CMake files. Default is 0.
  • g:cmake_change_build_command if this variable is not equal 0, plugin will change the make command. Default is 1.
  • g:cmake_build_dir allows to set cmake build directory for all build. Default is ''. If variable is empty the plugin will use the prefix plus build type.
  • g:cmake_build_dir_prefix allows to set cmake build directory prefix. Default is 'cmake-build-'.
  • g:cmake_build_target set the target name for build. Default is empty and default value depends on CMake Generator
  • g:make_arguments allows to set custom parameters for make command. Default is empty. If variable is empty, plugin launches make without arguments.
  • g:cmake_project_generator allows to set the project generator for build scripts. Default is empty.
  • g:cmake_install_prefix allows to change -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX. Default is empty.
  • g:cmake_build_type allows to change -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE. Default is empty. If variable is empty, plugin tries to detect cached build type. And selects 'Release' type if cmake cache doesn't exist.
  • g:cmake_c_compiler allows to change -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER. Default is empty.
  • g:cmake_cxx_compiler allows to change -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER. Default is empty.
  • g:cmake_usr_args allows to set user arguments for cmake. Default is empty.
  • g:cmake_compile_commands if this variable is not equal 0, plugin will generate compile commands data base. Default is 0.
  • g:cmake_compile_commands_link set the path for a link on compile_commands.json. Default is empty.

Jump to

Plugin is closely integrated with quickfix list and allows to use quickfix features to jump between error or warning messages.

  • :cp[revious] command jumps to previous error/warning message
  • :cn[ext] command jumps to next error/warning message


Bug reports, feedback, feature and other pull requests are appreciated. Check the Contributing Guidelines for how to create a feature request, submit a pull request or post an issue.



Ilya Churaev ilyachur@gmail.com

