
API and code samples for the education hack day taking place on November 12th & 13th, 2011 in Baltimore, MD.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Education Hack Day API Samples

This repositiry will hold API examples and code snippets that can be used during the Education hack Day civic coding event on November 12th & 13th, 2011 in Baltimore, MD.

Do you have an API you want participants to use? Do you have code smples you want to share? Great! Here's how you can do that.

How to Contribute

  1. Fork this repo.
  1. Create a new branch with your contact information or organization name.
  1. Create a folder with your namespace
  • mkdir my_api_sample
  1. Commit and push back to Github
  • git add .
  • git commit -am "Here is my awesome API example!"
  1. Log into Github and issue a pull request.

  2. Work with event organizers to promote your API to hack day participants.


Inspired by the awesome git-powered organizing for the Hack4Reno civic coding event.