Project that aims to provide a set of services to interact with Arlo systems.
The project proposes an architecture based on App Engine Flexible environment. The mechanism of interaction in Gunicorn and Flask
def connect_tensor_xray():
arlo = PyArlo('user', read_file("pass.txt")) # connect to pyarlo library
cam = arlo.cameras[2] # selecting cam
cam.schedule_snapshot() # take picture
time.sleep(3) # wait if is necesarry
r = requests.get("url_endpoint" + cam.snapshot_url)
return r
except Exception as e:
return [{"error"}]
@app.route('/arlo', methods=['POST'])
def tensor_photo():
req = request.get_json(silent=True, force=True)
action = req.get('result').get('action')
# detect action from DialogFlow agent description.
if action == 'image.analysis':
tags = connect_tensor_xray() # method to use the integration to TensorPhotoXRay
for element in tags:
for key, value in element.iteritems():
if "dog" in key:
# Compose the response to API.AI
res = {'speech': 'Your pet is inside your house in the main room',
'displayText': 'Your pet is inside your house in the main room',
'contextOut': req['result']['contexts']}
res = {'speech': 'nothing', 'displayText': 'nothing'}
final = make_response(jsonify(res))
return final