
IE6-IE8 Polyfill for missing addEventListener and removeEventListener Javascript methods.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


IE6-IE8 Polyfill for missing addEventListener and removeEventListener Javascript methods.

This Polyfill allows a standard way for most browsers to manage event listeners. The lack of standard implementation makes tasks such as executing Javascript after a page is loaded difficult. This Polyfill relies on IE6-IE8's attachEvent and detectEvent which is why it only works for these browsers.

This project origins from :

The second version has not had a lot visibility given it was hosted on a Japanese website. This repository has been setup so that more people can contribute to this Polyfill.

This script is stand alone and does not required any external library.


  • Full version: 5k
  • Minified: 1.2k
  • Minified & Compressed: 0.8k


  • Browsers: IE6-IE8 (all other browsers will ignore the script)
  • Scope: useCapture is not supported when using the Polyfill
  • Limitations: Could potentially not play nice with JQuery and other scripts with similar features.


Simply load this script in your HTML code and use the addEventListener and removeEventListener methods.


  1. Add the script on your page:
<script src="eventListenerIEPolyfill.js"></script>
  1. Try your new methods on old browsers:
// Example with an object.
var helloWorld = function () {alert('hello world');};
window.addEventListener('load', helloWorld);

// Example passing an argument.
var say = function (something) {alert('You said ' + something);};
window.addEventListener('load', function () {say('hello world')});
  1. You're done.