Details regarding the app:
- It uses to search for images.
- Images are displayed in a collection view with cells adjusting to the image size
- Each image can be selected to show the large scale version, which can be shared
- The main screen in meant to be simplified with only a search field and the action button is shown when the user enters a query.
Information about the code:
- The app is built using the MVVM pattern. The ImageListViewModel handles all the information needed for requesting and displaying images.
- The two screens in the app are built from a View Controller and a Logic Controller, which gives a separation between display and logic.
- I use Child View Controllers to show different states for a given screen (for example, in the second screen, I switch between 3 possible child VCs - the grid of images, a loading indicator and a message view. The use of child VCs is helpful for reuse - the loading and message views are not connected to any specific screen, so they can be shown at any point.
- I used KingFisher SDK ( for image loading.
- Collection View layout is configured via a UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout object
- Network URLs are built using URLComponents
- The Collection View has a separate Data Source object (which is good for reuse if another screen needed to show the same information)
- Most UI elements are built using a custom subclass. This makes the code in the VC much smaller and is also good for separation of concerns
- Most of the UI is implemented in code. The main screen is implemented in storyboard. I decided to show the both kinds of implementation
Known Issues:
- When sharing the image, there are layout warnings that are due to the share sheet presented by iOS.
- There are cases in which layout warnings are shown on the main screen. This happens on the simulator and seams to be caused by the navigation bar
- When scrolling to the bottom of the collection view, there is no indication for additional loading cells. I did not want to clutter the UI with an additional indicator
- When requesting the next page of the images, the error is not taken into account. This could be implemented with a "notification style" alert from the top of the screen